Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Step One

I feel like I have just started a twelve step program.. and I had to take the first step and admit I can not control my addiction. But realize I would never hear a voice coming from the other side of my phone saying, "Hey Jane, I'm throwing a party for my mom/dad/sister/greatgreatgrandfather.. Whoever!.. and I was looking for someone to bake tons of desserts and I thought of you.. interested hahahahaaa, laughing at that is my first reaction. This would never happen, I guess I can not even expect it to since I only obsess over baking and rarely get down and dirty in the kitchen and oh I don't know.. BAKE SOMETHING. I barely do it yet I am strangely intrigued by the whole thing..thebaking.theblogs.thepeople.thephotos.thedrooling.thechallenges.TWD.everyone baking the same thing and getting to see all the different interpretations. SO fellow bloggers I've asked the question that wont let me turn back..... you want to be friends? I mean best friends? Yes?...yes Lets start now! *crosses fingers*